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My name is Erik and I am the founder of Manda Design. I am 24 years old adventurous guy from Finland. I love being in nature and exploring the world. I am currently working part-time as a self-employed entrepreneur and everything you see here on the website and on social media is my creation. Welcome to my page!

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My Story

During my 4 years of business studies at Tampere University (Finland), I gained experience in both marketing and design. My skills were honed especially through volunteering in different organisations and working groups, as well as in working life, alongside my studies. In the past I have also worked as a Print Product Specialist, mainly with T-shirts and other clothing. In 2022 I left all this behind and prioritized to pursue my passion in aviation. I started my studies as a professional pilot and became a full-time student once again. 📚

So as I had been away from the worklife for a few months, one day I decided to sharpen my skills - just for fun. I designed a map of Finland's national parks and suddenly the idea was born. My passion for maps goes back to childhood, as my favourite book in pre-school was an atlas. This passion has remained throughout my life and I hope to inspire others through this new company. 🗺️

WHY MAPS? Maps present information in an extraordinary, simple, easy-to-understand way. I want to convince everyone that maps are not just practical. As well as providing information, they can be beautiful, calming, inspiring and highlighting memories. 💫

Thank you for taking the time to read the text and a thousand thanks for being part of the Manda Design story. I really appreciate your likes, comments and shares in our channels. 💛


Helsinki, Finland

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